body spirit breath

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Prayer –a Mirror to God

Blessed one, you have been asking about prayer. There need not be any confusion. Prayer is simply a mirror to God, your divine creator. Sit in silence and feel the divine presence of spirit. It is a form of meditation, quiet space for you to unite with God. Blessings will pour down from on high when you spend this time raising your vibration and connecting with divine energy. Your mind works overtime. Turn off the intellect and instead open your heart. Meditate on opening your heart and allow love to surround your presence. Fill yourself with divine light allowing this light to encircle your heart with a soft glowing energy. Move and act from a place of love and know you are being guided by spirit. Spirit moves you to hold the light and love for all to see. Light workers are beacons of hope in a world distracted by material possessions and media propaganda. The only message that matters is that of love. Your divine guide and ascended master Lord Sananda would tell you the same. Start loving yourself. Small acts of loving kindness towards yourself will give you the energy to share divine love with others. Prayer, your time with God, will teach you the meaning of love so that with experience you will come to know love more deeply, on a soul level. By spending time in the loving arms of your divine creator you will come to know what love feels like. Allow yourself to be filled full of this love until it overflows from you to others. It is from this place of abundance that you will have more to give. By filling yourself so full of divine love, the overflow will automatically reach all those that connect with you and your divine assignment will be fulfilled. You asked about prayer sweet child, it is not about doing, or asking, it is simply opening the mirror to God and allowing the divine message of love to reflect back to you. Sit. Breathe. Be filled with the loving presence of your divine creator. You are deserving our dear, sweet, beloved child of God. Namaste. Namaste. Namaste.


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